1st Annual BeavToSoda Moto Rally

This ride was so much fun that I think we’re going to try to make it an annual type event. We did have to do a little planning and stash a vehicle midway with gas/lunch/water, etc. See my last post for those details.

Crew: Chaz, Garrett, Rich, Brandon, Dane, Brock and me.


  • There is a large tree on Sink Hollow, about 3 miles in. I got hung up on it and about blew myself out physically heaving my bike over, all I could think of was that this was not the right way to start out a 130+ mile ride! Brock also had a mishap in the first couple of miles when he smacked a tree and busted open his right knuckles, he’s “the man” though and put some bandaids on and kept going!
  • We didn’t have a single flat! Good thing for tech inspection and going with guys who are prepared, we had plenty of tools and know-how to handle most anything I think. This was especially important when I got crossed-up in the rocks and ended up putting a hole in my case cover on the stator side, I didn’t notice for a couple of miles and lost all of my oil. Did I mention that we were about the farthest point away from the beginning, 77 miles into the ride? Anyway, I pulled the case cover off, cleaned it up and used “quick steel” to repair it from inside and out. Then all the guys pitched in and donated fluid from their bikes to put a little oil-cocktail back into mine so I could get out… thanks again guys!

Anyway, the gist of the ride is this: start at the parking lot by the Beaver Mountain turnoff -> ride up sink hollow -> hit the highline at Gibson-Egan Basin -> we threw in Snowslide and up St. Charles for a little more heavenly singletrack -> get back on the highline and make your way up to the Copenhagen parking lot west of Emigration campground. We were at 44 miles or so when we stopped for lunch and to gas up.

Next, we head North from Emigration campground to make our way back up to the higline, stay up there until you can look down into Soda Springs, ID. I’d noticed a couple of singletrack trails on the map, but had never noticed where they cutoff the highline before, so this time we kept our eyes out and found an awesome little slice of singletrack called Wilson trail (#348 on the map) I think. We then proceed to take the 332 trail and a dirt road for a few miles to take us over to 308 trail so we could catch the little singletrack labeled 117 back over to finish the northern loop -> Rich then knew of another ATV trail that dropped us right back into the parking lot where the truck was parked. The northern loop ended up being about 50 miles. At the truck, we drank another cold gatorade, ate a couple of candy bars, and poured in the rest of our gas.

The ride back was pretty straight forward -> ride the highline all the way back to Danish pass, where most of us were more than content to take the dirt road the last 10 miles… Wally wanted to come back around Paris peak and up snowslide I think, but I’m pretty sure I would have died. Also, I had no intention of going another round with that stupid tree on Sink Hollow…

Summary: This was, by far, my longest ride in one day with only around 17-18 miles of the entire ride that wasn’t either ATV or Singletrack. From start to end was almost 11 hours, we were on the trail a little before 9am and back to the beginning right about 7:40pm. Total milage was around 132 miles*.

*Mileage trivia – GPS vs. Odometers – so, both Brandon and Rich’s KTMs were showing 10 miles more than my GPS on their odometers at the end of this ride. I thought “how can this be?” isn’t GPS supposed to be all this super accurate tech schmeck? Rich and I discussed it a couple of times and thought that maybe elevation had something to do with it… well it turns out that it’s not the elevation that messes with the total, it’s the curves. The GPS plots breadcrumbs along the trail and calculates the distance between the crumbs and if you don’t having it saving the crumbs at a very granular frequency it will “straighten” out your path and you’ll lose mileage over time if your trail is really winding. You’ll also lose granularity with poor reception (like going down snowslide). Supposedly you can “tune” your GPSr to track more frequently to help and I’m going to look into this…

Full photo album:


Posted by on August 7, 2010 in Trails


Pre-Run Copenhagen Highline area

There’s been talk for a couple of years about going to do a BeavToSoda ride, but nobody I know of had done it yet. So, Chaz and I had a whole Saturday with nothing more important to do (what’s more important than moto anyway?), so we decided to plan it and put it together. I found the National Forest Maps online, printed it out on a wide-format printer, cut out the sections I wanted and laminated them for the trail. We knew we’d need gas and lunch and gas again and decided to do this little Pre-Run trip to get a little riding in and drop off a vehicle with gas/water/food etc… not to mention a way to bail out if we really needed it.

The only section of trails that neither of us had done was between the Copenhagen parking lot and Paris-German Dugway road. We parked the truck in the parking lot and decided to run the trail North->South so we’d know what to expect the next day. It ended up being a good ride and a few more miles than expected, almost 40 miles. We took a couple of wrong turns, but those ended up being the funnest trails and changed the plans for Saturday’s ride, specifically the 354 and 329 trails on the map. The 329 trail has multiple boulder fields that can start taxing your trials skills, but super fun.

Crew: Chaz, Braden and me. Btw, Braden got a hold of me through MotoUtah, fun guy to ride with, hope he comes again!


Posted by on August 6, 2010 in Trails

1 Comment

Card – Richards – Whites

Went on a good, fun ride with good crew. We started up Card and made a good loop with Richards and Whites, it was heavenly… in fact, some might say it was celestial. I finally got lucky and cleaned the root on Card for the first time this year! The ride was super dusty, unfortunately, the forecast for a little rain didn’t pan out until after we were home.

Crew: Ken, Pedro, Levi, Rick, Brock and me.


Posted by on July 29, 2010 in Trails

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PPS-CVMX Endurocross on Pioneer Day

Congrats to Brock for qualifying in the LCQ and coming back to win the main event, way to go champ!

I went to spectate and cheer on the local guys at the Pocatello Power Sports / Cache Valley MX Endurocross race. The course looked pretty brutal and I’m a wimp because I’m glad I chickened out and didn’t sign up to race… although I’d like to go practice on the course if they leave up permanently. Good thing Brock (KTM 36F), Chaz (KTM 41F), NateZ (KTM Red/Black gear), NateL (Yamaha 1X), and Chad (KTM 139) were there to represent the local talent… I don’t think I recognized anybody else from around here?

Here are a couple of videos, the first one has all three of Brock’s races (about 12min), the second is of Chaz giving it a good go. Good entertainment!


Posted by on July 24, 2010 in race


Highline – Sugar Creek – Albert Moser

One day, while camping with his family, Chaz stumbled across a new-to-us moto trail at the back of the Albert Moser campground up Cub River, ID. He mentioned it to me and we thought it’d be fun to go check it out. We started over by Beaver Mountain and went up Sink Hollow, then took the Highline trail over to Danish pass. At Danish pass, we took the road down for a couple of miles until we turned off on an ATV trail that I’m pretty sure is called Sugar Creek, it was steep and fairly rocky and eventually dumped us a dirt road that ended at the Cub River road. After hitting the pavement, we made our way up to the Albert Moser Campground, at the back of one of the campsites is the trailhead marked as “306” on the marker, but “108” on the map. It was steep, narrow, and very grown over, but we had a blast making our way back. The trail is not marked very well at all and it took a little trial-n-error and a lot of scrolling on the GPS to figure out which way to go. We were boiling over, our bikes were boiling over, and JayZ melted the “Y” connector for the coolant and lost all his radiator fluid. Eventually the trail took us back to the Sugar Creek trail that we had come down and ended up being a good ~55-mile loop (gps batteries died and lost a few miles on the stats below).

We definitely need to go back and explore some of those other trails in that neck of the woods.

Crew: Chaz, Codie, JayZ and me.

Full picture album:


p.s. Just found out I’m a bachelor this August 5-7, so I want to ride all three days… light ride on Thursday because I have a hockey game late that night, good ride on Friday, and an all-dayer on Saturday. Txt or Call me if you’re in for any one of those!


Posted by on July 23, 2010 in Trails

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