Another after-work-solo-ride. The weather was perfect, now that it’s getting hot in the valley it sure feels nice up the canyon.
Card is really grown in, the foliage is thick and the dirt is turning to poof powder, especially by “the root” (which I got denied on :/). 016 was awesome, I forgot how much I like that trail… is that trail open now to go all the way through or is the sign just missing from where it was last year?
They’re building a new road to Mt Logan, there was a big scraper and track-hoe up there making a highway to the top, looks like you’ll be able to take a Buick up there by the time they’re done. The new road will bypass the section that goes by the warming hut and rodeo grounds. I went up the regular way and came back on the new construction road to check it out, thus the loop on that section of the map below.
Richards has a new beaver dam close to the first water crossing that is starting to flow over and wash out the trail. Met a guy from Providence on a trials bike that was out checking his game cameras, he told me to ask Tim a question that isn’t appropriate for public websites… said he has a bunch of cameras around and sees quite a bit of wildlife when he harvests the images.