Cart and Seep Hollows
Cart and Seep Hollows make a quick and extremely fun loop off of Richards Hollow trail. You can also access them both from Left Hand Fork dirt road on the East. The eastern trail heads are only about 1/10 mile apart.
Cart Hollow Description:
- Length: 1.8 miles
- Difficulty: Easiest going from west -> east, need to hop a couple of small logs while climbing out of Richards. If going from east -> west, it is steep and can be difficult in wet or extremely dry conditions.
Seep Hollow Description:
- Length: 2.7 miles
- Difficulty: This one is also easiest from west -> east and can be difficult when wet although it’s not as steep as Cart. When you get to the meadow at the top, keep your eye out for the trail going north, it can be hard to detect depending on the growth and how much it’s been ridden that year, once you get out of the meadow the trail is very clear all the way down to Left Hand Fork road. The bottom portion on the east side is a rock garden.
Driving directions to trailhead:
These trails are best accessed via Richards Hollow, or the Right Hand/Left Hand Fork road.
GPS Coordinates:
- Richards Hollow, North Trailhead: N41 43.571 W111 38.275
- Richards Hollow, South Trailhead: N41 39.715 W111 39.836
- Cart/Seep, West: N41 41.330 W111 39.310
- Cart Hollow, East: N41 40.996 W111 37.564
- Seep Hollow, East: N41 41.067 W111 37.465
Combo/Loop opportunities:
There are a lot of options on this one. My favorite is to start up Card -> drop White’s to Richards -> go down Seep and come back up Cart (or drop Cart and come back up Seep, they’re equally as fun), and depending on time, either finish Richards or head back then.
Maps and trail pics:
Green = Richards Hollow, Blue = Cart Hollow, Red = Seep Hollow
Cart Hollow – Elevation Profile
Seep Hollow – Elevation Profile
Be prepared to clear some logs if you’re up there right after they open the gates.