Clifton – Oxford

This session ended up being awesome despite being thrown together last minute. The conditions were fantastic, we still ran into a bunch of snow and had to ride 10 miles of road to get back to the trucks, but the 27 miles of trail that we got to ride were off the charts! I had never gone that far north in this area before and there is some great riding. Can’t wait until a little more snow melts off so we can finish the loop around the base of Oxford peak instead of bailing out to the road.


  • I can’t believe how fast Jake can ride his 690 through the technical stuff, I’ll be traumatized for years at hearing that horn go off behind me
  • The rocks in that little stream were incredibly slick, like riding over greased bowling balls
  • Don’t forget the mosquito spray, they were already out in swarms when we would stop

Crew: Chaz, Lance, Scott, Cort, Jake, and me.

Full album here:

Here’s a quick video from the last two rides

Helmet cam video – Thanks Jake!

Posted by on May 16, 2009 in Trails

1 Comment

Weston – Dayton

Except for maybe one of my first rides ever, in Moab, I don’t think I’ve ever been as purple, tired or beat as I felt during this ride. We started outside of Weston and went straight up the ridge line, the climbs were steep and rocky and when we crested the top there were huge snow fields we had to traverse. A lot of us got stuck in deep snow and had to buddy up to lift bikes and pack trails. I watched a couple of guys hit the snow pretty fast and get on top pretty good, so I tried to follow suit, about 10 ft into the snow I buried the front end and flipped my bike right over on top of me… I’m sure it was humorous as heck to anybody that would have seen it. We also got to slide down a 40 ft cornice leftover, lots of fun!

Most memorable quote: “It just DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!” – Brock, while working on Matt’s bike.

Crew: Brock, Brandon, Tim, Matt C., Nate, Zac, Dane, and me. Cort and another Nate were out there somewhere, but we never caught up with them.

Full album here:


Posted by on May 14, 2009 in Trails

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Round Hill – family ride

My wife surprised me and told me that her and the boys had gone for a moto ride by themselves while I was at work, so a couple of days later, I got to have them show where they went. It’s so nice being able ride straight from the house, before it was always such an ordeal to get the trailer, load the bikes up at the storage shed, etc etc. Hopefully we’ll get out a lot more as a family this year.

The boys are noticeably better this year, hills that we felt were too big last year were climbed easily this spring… I’m sure they’ll be keeping up before I know it.


Posted by on May 1, 2009 in fun

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Zac’s Hollow

Awesome… should just end it there, because that about sums it up. Another seriously good time was had at Zac’s hollow. The conditions were great, we did have to saw it up a hill through a couple feet of snow, at that point I’m not sure which was overheating more, my bike or me… we were both steaming. This place is a blast! Thanks to Zac and family for letting us come and ride this treasure.

I’ll never forget coming out of a group of trees and seeing a huge coyote go running by in front of me, then not 20 ft. behind him was Zac trying to keep speed with him through one of their big fields.

Crew: Zac, Nate, Dane, and me.

Full album here:


Posted by on April 27, 2009 in Trails

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Workout ride – Newton Dam

Rode with Chaz and Scott out at the Newton Dam track. It was a pretty good work out but I was right in the middle of a crappy pneumonia attack. The weather was pretty good when we got there, but turned rainy right when we started having problems with a flooded bike…

My bike started feeling pretty good on the whoops, I’m thinking I like this new suspension setup.

Can’t wait until the trails start opening up in the hills.


Posted by on April 25, 2009 in Tracks

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