Wow… session #2 was even better than the first go-around! I’ll let the pictures talk for themselves, check out the whole album here:
Crew: Zac, Zane, Nate, and myself.
- The dirt was perfect, corn dirt in most places, a little mud, a little snow, and no dust at all
- Need to pick up one of these saws, Nate had one and it worked surprisingly well, thickest log we cut through was about 4 inches
- A lot of the tough parts from a few days ago were a lot easier with the hook-up we were getting
- Nate hitting a slick log and sitting in 6 inches of mud
- Zac hitting snow at 40mph, almost making it, going down and sliding forever
- Zane getting attacked by every tree that could reach him
- I’m still out of shape…