Logandale, NV

I never got around to posting my last ride of 2009. I had to travel to St. George for work and I figured I might as well load up the bike and visit my friends the Bodilys a little bit farther south. The weekend ended up being quite the adventure as the transmission in my truck decided it didn’t like the long drive. Long story short, I had to call in a bunch of favors to get me and my truck back to CV. Thanks to everybody that helped out (Kory, Daryl, Tim, Chaz, Kory’s friend with the dolly)!

It was fun to go for a ride with Kory, we’ve been friends for a long time, but both of us got into riding dirtbikes after they moved away. Logandale looks like it has a lot of fun desert riding year-round, it was great to leave from his house and just head out. We went out a couple of times, but I only took my camera and GPS the one time, I wish I would have had them earlier when the kids went with us. I was impressed with Kaleb on the little YZ80 in the sand!

Crew: Just Kory and me

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Posted on 2/3/2010 -> starting to get cabin fever and itching to ride again!


Posted by on October 17, 2009 in Trails

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Idaho Highline

Snowy, muddy, cold and fun. That’s what today’s ride ended up as. I think we spent the majority of the ride in snow or greasy mud. It was nice to make it through this time with no flats or mishaps. The temp was 36° when we started our ride a little bit after noon and I don’t think it really warmed up all that much. It was nice to meet and ride with a newcomer to Cache Valley, welcome Garrett, hope to ride with you again.

The views were beautiful and other than one jogger and a pickup, we had the whole place to ourselves. We thought we were going to run into a bunch of hunters, but apparently the season hasn’t started yet.

Full album here:

Crew: Chaz, Garrett, and me

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Posted by on October 2, 2009 in Trails


Highline – Snowslide – St. Charles

The poof powder is getting thick. The trail was pretty slick and dusty with the soft moon dust, but it was a good ride with just two of us. I’ve really been enjoying the Beaver Mtn –> Gibson –> Beaver Creek trail sections, and I really love going down snowslide and back up St. Charles… awesome!

There were signs warning of prescribed burns in the St. Charles area from Sept. 6th – 30th. We didn’t see or smell any smoke so we dropped in, but there were some sections that had definitely been burnt since the ride the week before.

Bumped into Wally after the ride and heard about his over-the-handlebar experience on his 100-mile adventure with B-rock, looked pretty beat up, hope you get healed up soon!

Crew: Codie and me.


Posted by on September 10, 2009 in Trails

1 Comment

72-miler, Glady’s loop then Snowslide – St. Charles loop

This ride was awesome and the longest one for me so far this year. Chaz and Scott were up for ditching work early on Friday which gave us plenty of time to get a good, long ride in. We kept a pretty good pace and didn’t have any major breakdowns or wrecks, it was awesome. We topped our tanks off at 22 miles in Fish Haven and that gave us plenty of fuel to go back up and do an additional 50 miles. Chaz took us on an ATV trail that I’d never been on that was pretty cool, wasn’t very used at all. Saw a nice 4-point buck that ran across the trail right in front of me.

From Danish pass over to the top of Snowslide, it looks like the forest service has been up there fix the trail and discourage the ATVs with big boulders and dug big holes on half the trail to make it a singletrack trail again… cool!

Crew: Chaz, Scott, and me.

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Posted by on September 4, 2009 in Trails

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Powder Mountain MX

Alisha and I got the boys loaded in the Jeep and we slipped over Avon pass to watch some mx action at Powder Mountain. The course looked pretty cool and the racing was a lot of fun to watch! We had a few local guys (Sampson, Vierra, Dattage, Josh Borges, Shea Bettencourt, more?), racing and they all did well. It was a lot of fun to watch Cole Siebler give Jeremy McGrath a run for is money in the 450 main.

Full album:

Chaz sent me this first pic of Jeremy McGrath, nice shot!
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This is Josh Borges from Paradise, came in 3rd behind McGrath and Pingree in the qualifier, hangin’ it out there.

Posted by on August 29, 2009 in fun

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