Hyde Park with the kids

June 16

Took the boys out to putt around for family night 🙂 They did really well… the grass has grown in a ton since the last time we made it out, so we could only go on the dirt roads. We decided to head north over to the little track area and both boys made it up and over the hill, I was very impressed. After cruising around a bit, we decided to go down where mom was waiting and try our hand and a couple of steep little hills. Logan was pretty tentative, but after I coaxed him on, he did exactly what I told him to and got on the gas pretty hard launching him off the top of the hill and crashing… I felt really bad, but he did end up going back down on his bike and doing it again successfully on Landon’s bike. Landon cleaned the hill several times and had a blast going up and down it.

Here’s the video:


Posted by on June 16, 2008 in fun

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