Weston – Clifton – Davis – Mine Hollow

April 25

I know I’m behind on a few of our winter rides, but I wanted to get this week’s ride post out there. I was skeptical that we’d be able to make it on the trails I was thinking about but we were able to do more than I thought we would.

We started on the south end of the range by the silos near Weston canyon and were able to get up on the ridge line. There was some snow on the top that we had to bust through, it was soft and deep, but we were able to make it through. We dropped down clifton canyon, there is snow there too and quite a few logs to hop, it wasn’t too bad going down, but going up would definitely be harder. We hopped over to Davis canyon and successfully got down to Cody’s campfire, but there was a lot of deadfall, a little bit of snow and some mud. Mine hollow was even starting to get a little dusty and there were no issues on that trail at all. The lower trail back to the truck was in good shape and dirt was moisty perfection.

From the trail heading down to Cody’s campfire, we were able to look up on the ridge line and see that the normally-huge-cornice didn’t look too bad for this time of year, definitely do-able. I’m excited for a season full of good rides this year, ping me if you’re headed out!

Crew: just Neil and me.

20120425 moto stats
20120425 moto map
20120425 moto elevation
IMG 2338
IMG 2339
IMG 2340
IMG 2342


Posted by on April 25, 2012 in Trails

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